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"Ein Raum ohne Bücher ist wie ein Körper ohne Seele". -Marcus Tullius Cicero.

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hat Polostan von Neal Stephenson besprochen

Review of 'Polostan' on 'Goodreads'

4 Sterne

A young (American) women growing up in the aftermath of the Russian revolution to become a spy/agent for the soviet secret service with some historical figures appearing on her way. Nice read, but nothing exciting. I might have had too high expectations for a Neal Stephenson novel....

Peter Godfrey-Smith: Other minds (2016, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 5 Sterne

"Peter Godfrey-Smith is a leading philosopher of science. He is also a scuba diver whose …

Review of 'Other minds' on 'Goodreads'

5 Sterne

Octopusses and buttlefish - cephalopods in general - are fascinating and inteligent creatures. Overall, a captivating exploration of consciousness focusing on the possibility of its existence in other animals. Scientific inquiry is perfectly blended with philosophical reflection, which takes you on a fascinating journey through the evolution of nervous systems and the emergence of subjective experience.

hat Yellowface von R. F. Kuang besprochen

R. F. Kuang: Yellowface (Hardcover, 2023, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 4 Sterne

What's the harm in a pseudonym? New York Times bestselling sensation Juniper Song is not …

Review of 'Yellowface' on 'Goodreads'

4 Sterne

Yellow Face is a reflection of our society today and of its contradictions. Kuang takes a thought-provoking critical look at the entire literary industry and the effects of racism, privilege, and cultural appropriation. Its gripping plot makes the book a compelling read that you can hardly put down.