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hat Yellowface von R. F. Kuang besprochen

R. F. Kuang: Yellowface (Hardcover, 2023, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 4 Sterne

What's the harm in a pseudonym? New York Times bestselling sensation Juniper Song is not …

Review of 'Yellowface' on 'Goodreads'

4 Sterne

Yellow Face is a reflection of our society today and of its contradictions. Kuang takes a thought-provoking critical look at the entire literary industry and the effects of racism, privilege, and cultural appropriation. Its gripping plot makes the book a compelling read that you can hardly put down.

Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-five ; The sirens of Titan ; Player-piano ; cat's cradle ; Breakfast of champions ; Mother night (Hardcover, 1980, Octopus/Heinemann) 5 Sterne

Review of "Slaughterhouse-five ; The sirens of Titan ; Player-piano ; cat's cradle ; Breakfast of champions ; Mother night" on 'Goodreads'

4 Sterne

Welcome to the strange world of Billy Pilgrim, who is unstuck in time, i.e. he is traveling through different periods of his life without knowing where he might end up next. This gives him an unconventional perception and understanding of life. Nevertheless, the ultimative anti-war book, not only because of the bombing of Dresden.

Robert Jordan: Das Rad der Zeit - Das Original (Piper Verlag GmbH) 5 Sterne

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. …

Review of 'Das Rad der Zeit - Das Original' on 'Goodreads'

5 Sterne

Epischer Genreklassiker und Auftakt einer gewaltigen Serie, der im Grundgerüst dem Herr-der-Ringe-Schema folgt und die bunt zusammengewürfelten ProtagonistInnen quer durchs Land schickt um einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe zu folgen, die in der uralten Schlacht Gut-gegen-Böse mündet.

Travis Baldree: Legends and Lattes (2022, Pan Macmillan) 5 Sterne

Worn out after decades of packing steel and raising hell, Viv the orc barbarian cashes …

Review of 'Legends and Lattes' on 'Goodreads'

4 Sterne

Cozy and heartwarming like an excellent Cappuccino together with a freshly baked chocolate croissant. The story of an orc trading her sword with the opening of a coffee shop at a place where nobody has ever heard of coffee...