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hat The Day Before the Revolution von Ursula K. Le Guin besprochen

Ursula K. Le Guin: The Day Before the Revolution (2017, HarperCollins) 3 Sterne

This short story focuses on the bittersweet ruminations of an old woman who began a …

now I can't help but reading *The Dispossessed*

3 Sterne

at the end of the road, Laia reflects about her life, her work, all she gave and got, what she was and now remains.

vou ter que ler Los desposeídos, en castelán, porque lembro que comezara a lelo en inglés e non me cundía (non teño nivel suficiente). E en portugués? Non sei se probar. En #galego vexo tres boadiceaeditora.gal/?product_cat=0&s=le+guin&post_type=product Claro, antes de nada voulle enviar un correo a Boadiceaeditora para que coñezan o fediverso. O «non» xa o teño :)