Elena. hat Shadows Have Offended von Cassandra Rose Clarke besprochen
Troi and Crusher need to be on that cover!
4 Sterne
Don't let the cover design trick you into thinking this is a Worf novel that includes a lot of Romulans. He's got things to do and I love seeing him do these things. But it should have been Troi and Crusher on that cover.
Listened to it a second time over the weekend. A great book with clear A and B stories, that are not interwoven. It's set right before "All Good Things...". I love that the two main women in the TNG crew get to be center stage here.
The story around Crusher, Riker, and Data is very cool. They face some unusual events on a new planet and it's fascinating to follow them figuring out what they are. Crusher has a very crucial role in that and that's so good to see. Love her scene with Data at the end.
The story around Troi, Worf, and Picard starts …
Don't let the cover design trick you into thinking this is a Worf novel that includes a lot of Romulans. He's got things to do and I love seeing him do these things. But it should have been Troi and Crusher on that cover.
Listened to it a second time over the weekend. A great book with clear A and B stories, that are not interwoven. It's set right before "All Good Things...". I love that the two main women in the TNG crew get to be center stage here.
The story around Crusher, Riker, and Data is very cool. They face some unusual events on a new planet and it's fascinating to follow them figuring out what they are. Crusher has a very crucial role in that and that's so good to see. Love her scene with Data at the end.
The story around Troi, Worf, and Picard starts as a nice and funny stay on Betazed, Lwaxana included, that turns into a detective story and chase through space to catch a thief. Here it is Troi who can shine and she's great doing it. Her empathic abilities are used in a great way that we rarely (if ever?) see on screen. I love the solution between her and the thief. I also love all the hints towards later events as seen on screen. Lwaxana is always great to see, she's an amazing character full of heart. The author said in an interview she would love to write a Lwaxana novel and I am here for it. There are a couple of cute scenes between Worf and Troi and I think they are a well executed continuation of what we see on screen.
Robert Petkoff, as always, is great. Especially his Worf and Picard are excellent.
Two interviews with the author can be listened to at Literary Treks and Positively Trek.
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