Zoe’s Tale

Sprache: English

Am 12. November 2012 von Tor Books veröffentlicht.

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3 Sterne (6 Besprechungen)

Zoe's Tale is a science fiction novel by American writer John Scalzi. It is the fourth full-length book in the Old Man's War universe.

4 Auflagen

An interesting experiment in perspective

4 Sterne

This is an interesting experiment: Scalzi tells the story of The Last Colony again, this time from Zoe's perspective. It reads a bit like the second half of a Director's Cut: scenes and thoughts that explain some parts of the first book, but ultimately didn't make the final edit.

Scalzi doesn't stop there, though: as he explains in the acknowledgments, he needed the book to stand on its own feet, so he also tells a story that is separate from the proceedings of the last book, and since it's about a teenager, he wraps it in a coming-of-age tale about finding yourself and standing up for what you've found.

This book may not have a satisfying a plot as the last one, but it seems very personal and can be quite touching. In the way it builds on The Last Colony it manages to add both to that book and …


3 Sterne

I'm not big on re-reading books because my TBR pile is big enough as it is, but I feel like I just got tricked into doing so with this one. This fourth book in this series... just re-tells the same story from the third book, almost scene-for-scene, just from a different character's perspective. Maybe it's just because I don't tend to read book series in general, but this feels like a strange approach to me?

Granted, there was a suspiciously convenient deus ex machina moment towards the end of the previous book, and now we finally get an explanation on exactly what happened because we follow the character responsible for it. Kinda wish we didn't need to re-hash all the previous events from the same starting point to learn all that though. Maybe it's for the best that it's been several real-world months since I've read the previous book because …

old girl's war

2 Sterne

it was okay. the author even wrote in the acknowledgments at the end it is a difficult task

in my view, he partially succeeded. probably because we know too much from the other books (mostly last colony). the novel could have been extra chapters there

not boring, not uninteresting, but a grade lower than the others

the author mentions ender's_shadow as the same kind of book. let's see if card does it better

A 4th book in this series???

3 Sterne

This book follows up to the old man's war world and it felt a bit like I was working to finish it for the sake of completion.

It is the 3rd book told again from the perspective of the main characters daughter. It literally just covers the same timeline and plot points with a different narrator.

+: sometimes it read like space opera mean girls. It centers a women in the stories. There is a few moments that Zoe's perspective tells part of the story that didn't come up in the 3rd book.

-: You know the plot, twists and turns. It wasn't a good enough book for a second run.

A wonderful retelling of a fun story

4 Sterne

The previous book from the point of view of Zoe. Well told and a good reminder that you can excuse any retcon with teenagers not telling parents the whole truth.

In all seriousness it must have been written at the same time. Pages cut from the previous book perhaps. Which leads it to fit very well in the series.

Lots of fun and a good button to the series.