


taschenbuch, 715 Seiten

Sprache: German

Am Juli 2004 von Bastei Lübbe veröffentlicht.

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4 Sterne (1 Rezension)

Ein Kernforscher wird in seinem Schweizer Labor ermordet aufgefunden. Auf seiner Brust finden sich merkwürdige Symbole eingraviert, Symbole, die nur der Harvardprofessor Robert Langdon zu entziffern vermag. Was er dabei entdeckt, erschreckt ihn zutiefst: Die Symbole gehören zu der legendären Geheimgesellschaft der Illuminati. Diese Gemeinschaft scheint wieder zum Leben erweckt zu sein, und sie verfolgt einen finsteren Plan, denn aus dem Labor des ermordeten Kernforschers wurde Antimaterie entwendet.

48 Auflagen

Review of 'Angels & Demons' on 'Goodreads'

4 Sterne

Finally, another year after reading 'The Da Vinci Code', I decided to give its predecessor - Angels and Demons. - a try. Ok, I really liked the 'Schnitzeljagd' (scavenger hunt) of connecting seemingly unconnected facts into wild conspiracy theories as it was presented by Dan Brown it 'The da Vinci Code'...although I was disappointed by its ending. But, as most times, it's hard to put an end to a story that is trapped in an apparently ever lasting climax. Thus, I thought, maybe the predecessor would be a little bit more well balanced.
Anyway, I had high expectations.....'ve heard about the Illuminati? Yes, I know. Ever since Robert A. Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy, the Illuminati have been subject to incredible conspiracy theories. This enlightenment secret society of freethinkers, most times connected to their Bavarian section founded by Adam Weishaupt back in the 18th century, where illustrious men like Goethe have …