G. Deyke hat The Ghost Brigades von John Scalzi besprochen
Easily the best book in the series
3 Sterne
Possibly because it's the only one featuring an underdog, and actually - to an extent - addressing the incredibly White American Male viewpoint that pervades the series (as, in fact, it does a lot of Scalzi's writing). This book was interesting, but still ultimately centrist, and of course the premise of the series - which this book can't really help, being a sequal - is still kind of weird and nonsensical. I guess The Power of Colonialism is so great that it is an important goal in and of itself, not even because resources or population exploring or whatever else: all of these are explicitly mentioned as being unimportant. War for war's sake, colonialism for colonialism's sake. It's not even about expansion.
Again, though: this book was interesting and had a better perspective, so I can't complain all too much.