From History's Shadow

Sprache: English

Am 30. Dezember 2013 von Simon & Schuster, Limited veröffentlicht.

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4 Sterne (1 Rezension)

2268: Following the encounter with the mysterious Gary Seven in the twentieth century, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is startled by two intruders who have transported through space and time from Earth circa 1968. Incredibly, one of the infiltrators is a Vulcan, who asserts that he’s lived among Earth’s population for over a decade. The other represents a little-known race, and reveals to Captain James T. Kirk that she has spent the last twenty years working to bring about humanity’s destruction. It is then that Gary Seven’s young protégée, Roberta Lincoln, arrives seeking Kirk’s help...

1947: In the wake of the infamous “Roswell Incident” involving a crashed alien craft and beings from another world, Captain James Wainwright finds himself recruited as one of the first members of Majestic 12, a secret organization with two goals: Collect evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth, and develop strategies to combat alien invaders. …

1 Auflage

Uncommon Trek novel, connecting a lot of stories.

4 Sterne

This is one of those special novels, like "Articles of the Federation", that are very much Star Trek, but also sit a bit to the side of the main storylines. With a focus on mid 20th century Earth and the UFO craze and conspiracy, it has not a lot to do with 23rd century space action, though the Enterprise does play a role or two as well. The way the author is weaving all the time travel episodes involving Earth from various Trek shows together, adding some new aliens, and including historic military projects as well, is wonderful and a lot of fun. I enjoyed it greatly.

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  • Fiction, science fiction, space opera
  • Kirk, james t. (fictitious character), fiction