Mother Night

Taschenbuch, 192 Seiten

Sprache: English

Am 10. Juli 1965 von Dell Pub. Co. veröffentlicht.

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5 Sterne (1 Rezension)

Mother Night is a novel by American author Kurt Vonnegut, first published in February 1962. The title of the book is taken from Goethe's Faust (and ultimately from the Egyptian Goddess Nuit, mother of Osiris, Horus, Isis, Set, and Nephthys, and her counterparts in European religions, such as Skaði). The novel takes the form of the fictional memoirs of Howard W. Campbell Jr., an American, who moved to Germany in 1923 at age 11, and later became a well-known playwright and Nazi propagandist. The story of the novel is narrated (through the use of metafiction) by Campbell himself, writing his memoirs while awaiting trial for war crimes in an Israeli prison. Howard W. Campbell also appears briefly in Vonnegut's later novel Slaughterhouse-Five.

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5 Sterne

Že dolgo nisem bral Vonneguta in mi je kar malo žal zato. Zelo aktualna knjiga, predvsem zaradi ponovnega vstajanja faši/nacizma po svetu. Dobro reče: "Si, za kar se predstavljaš, da si." Še posebej, če se predstavljaš za nacista, čeprav nisi. Ali pač? Če te vsi poznajo po tem, za kar se izdajaš in samo ti veš resnico, kaj si potem? Vse kupim, samo tistega prizora z ženo, ki je kao ni prepoznal, ne.