Star Trek Log Seven (Star Trek Logs)

mass market paperback

Sprache: English

Veröffentlicht von Del Rey, Ballantine Del Rey.

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4 Sterne (1 Rezension)

Another exciting episode from television's most popular science fiction series Complete in this volume: The Counter-Clock Incident Commodore Robert April, first Captain of the Enterprise, was traveling at warp-speeds toward retirement... a fate worse than death for a seasoned sailor of the spaceways. There didn't seem to be any way to turn back the hands of time - but then nothing is ever certain in the outer reaches of the galaxy. Nothing, that is, except that a Klingon in pursuit means trouble... especially when that Klingon is the wily Commander Kumara!

4 Auflagen

hat Log Seven von Alan Dean Foster besprochen

One of the better Star Trek Log books

4 Sterne

While this one winds up with an "It Was All An Illusion" finale, I still quite enjoyed the ride to get there. Foster essentially ends the story by thumbing his nose at the ridiculous animated series episode ("The Counter-Clock Incident") he had to adapt, but he does it by following up with a rip-roaring starship chase and yet another opportunity for Kirk and Spock to end up in jail. The non-canonical Klingon Commander Kumara (an exchange student who was Kirk's roommate at Starfleet Academy!) is a hoot.

One detail I particularly enjoyed (and have gotten a kick out of throughout Foster's Trek books) is the number of references to wrist chronometers (watches, to you and me) that crop up. I counted three in this book. Even the Klingon Commander wears one!


  • Science Fiction - General
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Science Fiction